Which Blade Does It Best?

 In Home Chefs Club, How Tos

We’ve all had the experience of switching knives 3 times to cut something and the puzzling experience of trying to figure out which knife to use. If you picked up a copy of our brand-new Kitchen Catalogue, you might have spotted our handy guide to choosing your blade, but if not, we’ve got you covered. 

Let’s start with the basics: 

The knife we probably all know is the bread knife (large knife with a serrated edge) perfect for cutting those ciabattas with harder outsides and a soft inside. 

On the topic of serrated edges, we have the steak knife. Small with a serrated edge, this knife is the perfect tool for slicing through a juicy steak. 

Then, most commonly used and most versatile, the utility knife. This knife is medium sized and serves all purposes. From cutting fruit to slicing cheese, this knife is the way to go if choosing your knife seems intimidating. 

Lastly, we have the paring knife. This knife is usually small with a plain blade edge. You can use this knife for some more intricate work such as peeling. 

Bringing out the big ones: 

If you’ve ever seen a chef doing that impressive fast chop, you will know that a chef’s knife is big and curved to make for a perfect rocking motion when expertly chopping and prepping. 

Similar to the chef’s knife, but not as broad, the carving knife still has the curved edge, but is made to cut thick slices of meat with precision. 

A knife that lends itself to a more specific purpose though is the boning knife. This sharp and narrow blade makes removing skin and bones from meat as easy as can be. 

Finally, the santoku knife is the blade you’ve seen but never knew it was called the santoku knife. This wide blade has hollowed out indentations and is great for cutting any semi-soft food such as meat and vegetables.  

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